Texas Capital Bank Client Support will be closed for Presidents' Day on Monday, February 17, 2025. We will be back to our normal 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM support hours on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. 

System maintenance is scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. CT to approximately 2:00 p.m. CT. During this time, some services may have reduced functionality. 

Bank Statements

View rolling 13 months of your bank statements. Note. For any rare occurrences where statements aren’t monthly, the last 13 instances will be provided.

Statements will be available for viewing / downloading by the End of Day on 2nd business day of each month.

Viewing Available Bank Account Statements

  1. From the left navigation menu, click or tap Statements, then Bank Statements
  2. Select the accounts you wish to view statement for. Standard online functionality is provided to Search, Select All, Select Some etc.
  3. Two retrieval options are then available for selection. 
    • List All Available Statements 

      This option is for bigger / specific tasks such as during audits, as it will retrieve every available option for every account. For 100 accounts selected this could bring back 13 instances of each. 

    • List Most Recent Available Statements.

      This will be the most commonly used option to simply retrieve only last months (or last instance/s) for all accounts selected. 

statements image 1

Downloading Available Bank Account Statements

  1. Available statements will be shown, and user can retrieve by clicking the Download button.  

    As shown below a message will appear if a statement is not available for a selected account.  This can be as the account is too new to have a statement generated or be of an account type that doesn’t generate a regular bank statement (such as CD’s). 
downloading available statements

           2. At any time, the filter icon can be selected which will activate selection options for Account, Month and Year. Users            can set criteria to reduce content before downloading.


downloading available statements (part 2)


Note 1: Be sure to disable pop-up blockers from the BankNow Treasury Services site, as the Statements page may open in a new browser tab or window.

Note 2: Statements continue to be available in BankNow for a period of 90 days after account closure.

Can’t Find the Answer?

If you have questions that are not addressed in the knowledge center, please contact Treasury Support at 1.800.839.2801 or email [email protected].