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Where do you shop? — Week of January 13, 2025


Small businesses need your money

Essential Economics

— Mark Frears

Where are you shopping?

Are you an Amazon junkie? Do you have Prime-nesia? Can’t open the screen door on your home because there are too many packages? It is so convenient, and prices are usually very competitive, but I feel led to put in a plug for your local businesses. A great way to do this is, when you know what good/service you are looking for, pull up Google maps for your area and plug it in. There could very well be great options close by, instead of stuffing the coffers of the Big Box stores, or Amazon.

Not saying I don’t use Amazon plenty, but if there are local small businesses, how about giving them a shot?

Significant contribution

Small businesses create two-thirds of net new jobs and drive innovation and competitiveness. A U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) study in 2019 showed that these contributed 44% of U.S. economic activity! From 1998 to 2014, the share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that small businesses drove was up 25%.

Growing confidence

Recent surveys of confidence in the small business sector have shown an improving trend. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Optimism Index is shown below.



As you can see below, plans to create new jobs is on a nice upswing.


Source: NFIB Job Report – January 9, 2024

New businesses 

One of the best indicators for optimism in this sector, and the overall economy, are applications to start new enterprises. The U.S. Census Bureau measures these on a weekly basis, as you can see below.



The uptick at the end of 2024 is a good sign for continued growth in this vital sector going forward.

As you can see below, the new applications are doing well in most areas of the country, except for the Midwest.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Economic releases  

Last week was all about jobs, and the news was that 2024 closed out strong. Consumer credit dropped as revolving debt decreased. Consumer sentiment showed an increase in inflation expectations. 

This week’s calendar is inflation-centric. PPI and CPI will be the highlights. Also, we have Retail Sales and housing starts and permits. The next FOMC meeting is January 28–29. See below for other releases.    


I would encourage you to do your part in assisting local businesses. We have gotten into the habit of driving up to the neighborhood Italian place to pick up food to bring home. Best of both worlds: not having to cook, and supporting local enterprises. 

 Upcoming Economic Releases:PeriodExpectedPrevious
13-JanNY Fed 1-yr inflation expectations DecN/A2.97%
13-JanFederal Budget BalanceDec-$73.8B-$366.8B
14-JanNFIB Small Business OptimismDec101.5101.7
14-JanProducer Price Index MoMDec0.4%0.4%
14-JanPPI ex Food & Energy MoMDec0.3%0.2%
14-JanProducer Price Index YoYDec3.5%3.0%
14-JanPPI ex Food & Energy YoYDec3.8%3.4%
15-JanEmpire ManufacturingJan3.00.2
15-JanConsumer Price Index MoMDec0.3%0.3%
15-JanCPI ex Food & Energy MoMDec0.2%0.3%
15-JanConsumer Price Index YoYDec2.9%2.7%
15-JanCPI ex Food & Energy YoYDec3.3%3.3%
15-JanReal Avg Hourly Earnings YoYDecN/A1.3%
15-JanReal Avg Weekly Earnings YoYDecN/A1.0%
15-JanFederal Reserve Releases Beige Book for Jan 28-29 FOMC   
16-JanPhiladelphia Fed Business Outlook Jan(5.0)(16.4)
16-JanRetail Sales MoMDec0.6%0.7%
16-JanRetail Sales ex Autos MoMDec0.5%0.2%
16-JanImport Price Index MoMDec-0.2%0.1%
16-JanExport Price Index MoMDec0.1%0.0%
16-JanNY Fed Services Business ActivityJanN/A(5.2)
16-JanInitial Jobless Claims11-Jan210,000201,000
16-JanContinuing Claims4-Jan1,877,0001,867,000
16-JanBusiness InventoriesNov0.1%0.1%
16-JanNAHB Housing Market IndexJan4546
17-JanHousing StartsDec1,325,0001,289,000
17-JanHousing Starts MoMDec2.8%-1.8%
17-JanBuilding PermitsDec1,460,0001,493,000
17-JanBuilding Permits MoMDec-2.2%5.2%
17-JanIndustrial Production MoMDec0.3%-0.1%
17-JanCapacity UtilizationDec77.0%76.8%

Mark Frears is a Senior Investment Advisor, Managing Director, at Texas Capital Private Bank. He holds a Bachelor of Science from The University of Washington, and an MBA from University of Texas – Dallas. 

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